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TBI Resources

Barbara Stahura

Stahura is an author and Certified Journal Facilitator who has written extensively on brain injury. Her website includes a list of TBI resources.

Brain Tips: Inspirational and Motivational Calendar

Brain Tips Inspirational and Motivational Calendar is a small spiral book with tips to help you strengthen and exercise memory and attention all year long, as you use it year after year.

The anatomy of the brain, symptoms of injury and amazing stories of recovery.

Preventing, treating and living with traumatic brain injury (TBI).

 Brain Injury Association of America

The BIAA website offers contact information for their state affiliates and other groups that can offer support and information following a brain injury. The best place on the web to find information on support after a brain injury.

 Brain Injury Resource Center

Founded by brain injury activists in 1985, this non-profit clearinghouse provides information, creative solutions and leadership on issues related to brain injury for patients and caregivers.

Brain Injury Survival Kit (more)

365 Tips, Tools and Tricks to deal with cognitive function loss.

Brain State Technologies

Information about Brain State Technologies

Brain Tips: Inspirational and Motivational Calendar

This perpetual calendar by Cheryle Sullivan, M.D., contains daily inspirational quotes as well as tools and strategies to deal with the cognitive consequences of a brain that does not function as well as it once did.

Centre for Neuro Skills - TBI Resource Guide

Since 1980 CNS has delivered postacute medical treatment, therapeutic rehabilitation and disease management services with highly-trained staff for individuals recovering from acquired brain injury.

 Hope After Brain Injury

A non-profit organization devoted to sharing hope with those affected by brain injury through counseling, education, and connection to community resources.

 International Society for Neurofeedback & Research

Mission Statement: "To promote excellence in clinical practice, educational applications, and research in applied neuroscience in order to better understand and enhance brain function."

 Living with Brain Injury

An information center and a source of inspiration for those with an injured brain, and for their caregivers, families and friends.

Military Helper - TBI Signs & Symptoms

The Real Warriors Campaign is an initiative launched by the Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury (DCoE) to promote the processes of building resilience, facilitating recovery and supporting reintegration of returning service members, veterans and their families.

The Mind-Eye Connection

Dr. Deborah Zelinsky at The Mind-Eye Connection Center provides optometric care for re-developing mind-eye connections following brain injury.

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

The mission of NINDS is to reduce the burden of neurological disease - a burden borne by every age group, by every segment of society, by people all over the world.

Realistic Hope

A traumatic brain injury community, this site connects TBI survivors, family, friends and caregivers. Learn how others have traveled their journey with TBI and build your unique roadmap for recovery.


An Australian based nonprofit dedicated to raising awareness about Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), a spectrum disorder that refers to any type of brain damage or neurological disorder occurring after birth.

 TBI Journey

Cheryle Sullivan shares her personal story and resources she has found helpful on her journey back to life after TBI. Included are her own book and year long calendar of tips, tools and tricks for managing loss of cognitive function.

 The Brain Injury Recovery Network

Practical, actionable advice for brain injury survivors and families. Our goal is to see that survivors of brain injuries are given every possible chance to recover.

 Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems

A national center that offers free resources to help with rehabilitation, daily living, relationships, and social and emotional issues. Funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research.

 Traumatic Brain Injury Survival Guide

A guide by Dr. Glen Johnson, Clinical Neuropsychologist. The goal of this online book is to better prepare the head injured person and family for the long road ahead.

 Traumatology Institute

Established in 1998, the Traumatology Institute (Canada) offers a comprehensive curriculum leading to competency in Field Trauma Response, Clinical Traumatology, Community & Workplace Traumatology and Compassion Fatigue Care.

The Upledger Institute

The Upledger Institute (UI) is a healthcare resource center recognized worldwide for its comprehensive education programs, advanced treatment options and for its unique outreach initiatives.

Understanding Brain Injury: A Guide for the Family

Published by the Mayo Clinic's Foundation for Medical Education and Research, this is a 64-page comprehensive guide for families of brain injured patients, available as a free PDF download.

What is PTSD? 3 Steps to Healing Trauma

A superb resource for anyone who has experienced any major life disturbing event.

 Who Am I to Stop It?

A documentary film on isolation, art, and transformation after brain injury.

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